Academic Services

Bibliographic Data
- Our data is supplied by Nielsen Bookdata and contains over 8 million title records
- We supplement these records by adding our own bespoke catalogue records from Niche publishers, charities and other organisations
- Data can be exported

Shelf Ready Services
- We can provide data enriched with your order information in either EDI Quote Format or MARC-21
- EDI Cataloguing records can be provided once EDI ordering has been set up
- Experienced staff can add any processing material required in the warehouse to the latest NAG Guidelines
- Books can be classified using either Dewey or NLM classifications
- Our book processing services are a great way to save time and money

Core Collections
The Core Collections are published in partnership with the HLG. The collections are acquisitions guides to help health libraries with purchasing. We have been involved in publishing these guides for over 20 years and are proud to support such a valuable acquisitions tool.
  • The core collections are published in association with the HLG and are intended as an acquisitions guide for Health libraries
  • The current collections available are: Nursing and Midwifery, Dentistry, Medical and Mental Health
  • To view them go to