The European audiovisual industry is one of the most dynamic markets in the European Union. The Audiovisual Media Services Directive is the bedrock of the EU’s audiovisual and media policies. It regulates diverse aspects for providers of television broadcasting and on-demand services and entered into force in December 2007. Due to the volatility of a market facing convergence of media and important policy choices, for instance whether to allow product placement, Member States have struggled with the transposition of this Directive.
This completely new commentary employs an innovative approach: Based on English translations, the study systematically examines the national implementing measures of the future 28 Member States (including Croatia). It sets out, article-by-article, the original provisions contained in the Directive before analysing domestic transpositions. National measures are grouped in order to reveal similarities and differences and examined for compliance with the Directive. This comparative perspective contributes to the discussions on reforms of the Directive or the EU’s approach to new media services.