This work provides an overview of the key issues and dominant theories of teaching and learning as they impact upon the practice of classroom teachers. Punctuated by questions, points for consideration and ideas for further reading and research, the book's intention is to stimulate discussion and analysis, to support understanding of classroom interactions and to contribute to improved practice. Topics covered include: an assessment of dominant theories of learning and teaching; the ways in which public educational policy impinges on local practice; an assessment of different models of "good teaching", including the development of whole-school policies; and alternative models of curriculum and pedagogy.
Part 1: Theories and Policies 1 Teaching, Learning and Compulsory Education 2 Models of Teaching and Learning 3 Teaching, Learning and Culture 4 Teaching and Language Part 2: Teaching and Learning in Praactice 5 Planning, Managing and Assessing Learning 6 Learning, Teaching and 'Differentiation' 7 Developing Professional Relationships with Colleagues and Students Part 3: Teacher Dilemmas 8 Working With and Against Official Policy.