*Fills a huge, unmet need: applies MI--an effective technique developed in behavioral health care--to medical settings.
*From the creators of MI and authors of the bestselling Motivational Interviewing (9781572305632).
*Tailor-made for the busy practitioner: concise, affordable, and eminently practical.
*Grassroots sales support: an extensive network of MI trainers use and promote MI titles internationally.
I. Behavior Change and Motivational Interviewing
1. Motivational Interviewing: Principles and Evidence
2. How Motivational Interviewing Fits into Health Care Practice
II. Core Skills of Motivational Interviewing
3. Practicing Motivational Interviewing
4. Asking
5. Listening
6. Informing
III. Putting It All Together
7. Integrating the Skills
8. Case Examples of a Guiding Style
9. Getting Better at Guiding
10. Beyond the Consultation
Epilogue: Some Maps to Guide You
Appendix A. Learning More about Motivational Interviewing
Appendix B. A Topical Bibliography of Research on Motivational Interviewing