The Tank Warfare Illustrated Atlas is a highly illustrated and accessible account of the development of tank warfare, from World War I to the present day. Featuring more than 120 complex computer-generated battle maps and graphics, the book ranges from the first significant use of tanks at Cambrai during World War I through to major tank battles of World War II, the Indo-Pakistan War, the Arab-Israeli Wars, the Iran–Iraq War, the Allied invasions of Iraq in 1991 and 2003, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. All the maps have been specially commissioned from an expert cartographer. Each map has been designed to highlight a particular aspect of combat and so they vary in shape and size – from isometric to semi-circular and full-page to double-spread – and in outlook, with some maps giving a global perspective while others take a narrow focus. Major battles such as Villers-Bretonneux, Amiens, Kursk and the Golan Heights are shown in great detail. All maps are accompanied by a key, which helps the reader to understand the action and events. With extensively researched text telling the history and the stories behind these battles concisely and clearly and more than 150 striking illustrations and photographs, the Tank Warfare Illustrated Atlas provides an invaluable work of reference for both the general reader and the serious student of tank warfare.
Early Development
Early Armoured Forces
The Battle Fronts 1914–16
The Somme July 1916
The Nivelle Offensive April 1917
Cambrai 1917
Tank vs Tank: Villers-Bretonneux 1918
Soissons July 1918
Black Day of the German Army August 1918
American Offensives September-October 1918
Plan 1919: Attack by Paralyzation
Anti-Tank Developments 1917–19
The Interwar Years
The Royal Tank Corps: Experimental Force
Soviet Deep Penetration Theory
Achtung Panzer!
The Spanish Civil War
Anglo-French Rearmament 1939–39
Nomonhan 1939
The World’s Armoured Forces 1939
Blitzkrieg – Poland 1939
Sedan The Invasion of the West May 1940
The Fall of France June 1940
World Tank Forces 1941–42
North Africa 1941–42
Barbarossa 22 June–1 October 1941
Operation Typhoon – Wotan 1941
T-34 In Action
Aircraft vs Tank
Armour vs Firepower
The Caucasus and Southern Russia 1942
Stalingrad 1942–43
Tank Production 1941–45
North Africa 1942–43
Velikiye Luki Operation 1942–43
Tigers on the Battlefield
Sicily and Italy 1943
Kursk 1943
Ukraine and the Crimea 1944
The Sherman
D-Day, The Assault
Market Garden 1944
China 1937–45
Bagration 1944
Battle of the Bulge 1944
The Pacific 1944–45
The Fall of the Reich May 1945
Manchuria 1945
Korea 1950–53
Arab-Israeli Wars 1948–82
Tank Development 1960–90
Indochina and Vietnam
The Tank on the Nuclear Battlefield
The First Gulf War 1990–91
The Second Gulf War and Afghanistan Wars
Ukraine 2022-