The third edition of this encyclopedia continues to break new ground as an important resource for the study of adolescence. Comprehensive in breath and textbook in depth, the third edition – with entries presented in easy-to-access A to Z format – serves as a reference repository of knowledge in the field as well as a frequently updated conduit of new research and knowledge long before such information trickles down to standard textbooks. This updated and expanded major reference work advances the field by pushing and creating new boundaries and areas of study that further our understanding of adolescents and their place in society. The third edition significantly expands the editorial coverage of the encyclopedia with a combination of many new essays as well as significant updates and revisions to most existing entries.
Substantively, the third edition continues to draw from four major areas of research relating to adolescence:
Self, Identity and Development in Adolescence: This area covers research relating to identity, from early adolescence through emerging adulthood; basic aspects of development (e.g., biological, cognitive, social); and foundational developmental theories. In addition, it focuses on various types of identity including gender, sexual, civic, moral, political, racial, spiritual, religious, and so forth.
Adolescents’ Social and Personal Relationships: This area of research examines the nature and influence of various important relationships during adolescence, including family, peer, friends, sexual and romantic as well as significant nonparental adults.
Adolescents in Social Institutions: This area of research centers on the influence and nature of important institutions that serve as socializing contexts for adolescents. These major institutions include schools, religious groups, justice systems, medical fields, cultural contexts, media, legal systems, economic structures, and youth organizations.
Adolescent Mental Health: This broad area of research focuses on the wide variety of human thoughts, actions, and behaviors relating to mental health from psychopathology to thriving. Major topic examples include deviance, violence, crime, pathology (DSM-5), normalcy, risk, victimization, disabilities, flow, and positive youth development.
The Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Third Edition, is an essential reference for advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers, professors, clinicians, and other practitioners across such related disciplines as developmental psychology, criminology and criminal Justice, child and adolescent psychiatry, clinical child and school psychology, family, and public health.
Additional entries to 3rd edition contents: AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children).- Affirmative Action.- Aggression.- Agreeableness.- Assault.- Assortative mating.- Best interests of the child.- Binge drinking.- Caffeine intoxication.- Caffeine use.- Child Victims Act.- Cohesive self.- Competitiveness.- Compulsions.- Consultations.- Contract rights.- Co-parenting conflict.- Corporal punishment in schools.- Cost benefit analysis.- Counsel rights.- Creation science.- Creativity.- Criminal intent.- Criminal responsibility.- Cultural biases in research.- Cultural sensitivity.- Custodial interrogation.- Dance.- Dangerousness.- Date rape.- Deafness.- Decriminalization.- Defense mechanisms.- Delinquency.- Delirium.- Designer drugs.- Detention of alien juveniles.- Deviancy training.- Deviancy.- Diary methods.- Disability.- Diversion programs.- Driving and drivers.- Dyslexia.- Dysphoria.- Effortful control.- Ego identity.- Egocentrism.- Emancipation.- Emergency contraception.- Emotional intelligence.- Equal Access Act.- Ethnic identity.- Executive function.- Exit therapy.- Extraversion.- Extremism.- Fair Labor Standards Act.- Faith.- Family immunity doctrine.- Family meals.- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.- Financial socialization.- Flirting.- Free will.- Frontal lobe.- Gay-straight alliances.- Gender coding.- Gender dysphoria.- Gender identification.- Gender identity.- Generativity.- Gondarche.- Graffiti.- Habeas corpus.- Harm reduction.- Hate crimes.- Hazing.- Health beliefs.- Heritability.- Homesickness.- Idols.- Impostor phenomenon.- Juvenile drug courts.- Lying.- Modesty.- Nontraditional families in law.- Oedipus complex.- Online health care.- Openness to experience.- Optimal functioning.- Paranormal and supernatural beliefs.- Parent abuse.- Parental alienation syndrome.- Parental responsibility laws.- Peak experiences.- Pedophilia.- Peer influences.- Pregnancy intentions.- Pregnancy resolutions.- Prescription drug misuses.- Prevention programs.- Preventive detention.- Prison awareness programs.- Prison.- Probation.- Puberty.- Puberty rites.- Public policy.- Pygmalion effect.- Qualitative methods.- Quality of life.- Rape trauma syndrome.- Rape.- Reliability.- Residency requirements.- Resistance to treatment.- Restorative justice.- Revenge.- Risky behavior.- Safe and Drug Free Zone.- Schema.- Self-control.- Self-disclosure.- Separation anxiety.- Sex roles and gender roles.- Sexual orientation and identity labels.- Smart drugs.- Social inoculation.- Social learning theory.- Transsexualism.