Spaces In Between
Indigenous Sovereignty within the Canadian State

By (author) Tim Schouls

ISBN13: 9781487587406

Imprint: University of Toronto Press

Publisher: University of Toronto Press


Published: 18/01/2024

Availability: Available

The Spaces In Between examines prospects for the enhanced practice of Indigenous political sovereignty within the Canadian state. As Indigenous rights include the right to self-determination, the book contends that restored practices of Indigenous sovereignty constitute important steps forward in securing better relationships between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian state. While the Canadian state maintains its position of dominance with respect to the exercise of state sovereignty, Tim Schouls reveals how Indigenous nations are nevertheless carving out and reclaiming areas of significant political power as their own. By means of strategically acquired legal concessions, through hard-fought political negotiations, and sometimes through simple declarations of intent, Indigenous nations have repeatedly compelled the Canadian state to roll back its jurisdiction over them. In doing so, they have enhanced their prospects for political sovereignty within Canada. As such, they now increasingly occupy what Schouls refers to metaphorically as “the spaces in between.” The book asserts that occupation of these jurisdictional “spaces in between” not only goes some distance in meeting the requirements of Indigenous rights but also contributes to Indigenous community autonomy and well-being, enhancing prospects for reconciliation between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian state.
Introduction: Claiming the Spaces In Between 1. Contending Sovereignties: Prospects for Coexistence 2. Identity Politics: Citizenship and Belonging 3. Policy: From Political Sovereigns to Colonial Subjects 4. Policy: Signs of a Post-colonial Reality? 5. The Courts: Colonialism’s Constraints and Sovereignty’s Opportunities 6. Treaties Old: Sharing Lands and Resources 7. Treaties New: Landed Citizenship 8. Self-Government: Incremental Sovereignty 9. Partnerships: Shared Sovereignty, Shared Ventures Conclusion: Occupying the Spaces In Between References Index
  • Political structure & processes
  • Political correctness
  • Professional & Vocational
  • Tertiary Education (US: College)
List Price: £49.99