Art of Design Thinking

By (author) Rafiq Elmansy

ISBN13: 9781138106963

Imprint: CRC Press

Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd


Published: 15/05/2025

Availability: Available

Design thinking is an essential step to achieve innovation and bring creative solutions for problems; this book provides a hands-on approach to applying design thinking in projects either for freelance designers or designers and creative directors working in different companies. Key Features Apply creative process in project development. Practice design thinking methods to develop creative ideas. Practice brainstorming to solve problems. Evaluate and test innovative ideas and judge its success. Turn creativity and inniovation into profit and market success.
Introduction to Design Thinking. Why Design Thinking? How Does the Design Process Work? Emphasize. Secondary vs Primary Research. Qualitative Research. Quantitative Research. Define the Problem. Think to Innovate: Brainstorming. How to Define Problems? Think to Solve: Creative Problem-Solving Approaches. Ideate and Prototype. Prototype to Innovate. Degital Prototyping. Social Prototyping. Evaluating Ideas. How to Evaluate? Turning Creativity Into Innovation. Prepare Organization for Innovation.
  • Industrial / commercial art & design
  • Internet: general works
  • Professional & Vocational
  • Tertiary Education (US: College)
List Price: £38.99